Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

My! we Canadians are an apologetic lot. Sorry about that, you Americans. We're just nicer than y'all. Our mamas brung us up right.

Example #1: I was out there today on my bike. I was riding on the sidewalk to get to my house, and came up behind somebody who was obliviously in the way. I said "excuse me". And that innocent pedestrian said... "Sorry!"

Example #2: Later I was at the post office to pick up a giant box my mother had mailed to me for my daughter's birthday. I had my bike parked against a pole. Somebody else had their bike parked against that pole. I stuck the huge box over the baby seat. Just then the owner of the other bike came out of the post office. He went to unlock his bike, and in so doing, tipped my bike over. So I said... "Sorry!"

I counted today. I got five sorries and gave out three. Here's the funny thing. The apology is as likely to come from the person in the wrong as the person in the right. Wow, how utterly civilized we all are up here in Canada.

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